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API Reference

All members of cavro are defined in the top-level module.

Currently, the docs are a little funky, because cython doesn't expose Signtaure information that easily, and pdoc isn't geared up to handle it. This may change in the future.

Main Interface Classes

class Schema

The main interface for cavro.

This class represents an avro schema, and is able to encode and decode values appropriately.


  • source: The source of the schema. This can either be a string that holds the JSON-encoded schema definition, or a python object that represents the schema (e.g. the result of json.loads).
  • options: An instance of Options that controls how the schema is interpreted. Defaults to DEFAULT_OPTIONS.
  • named_types: An optional dictionary that will be updated to contain any named types that are encountered while parsing the schema.
  • parse_json: If False then the source argument will never be parsed as json, even if it's a string value. Defaults to True.
  • **extra_options: Any extra options that should be applied to the schema. These will override any options that are set in the options argument. Key-values here must match the attributes of cavro.Options.


init Schema(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
method fingerprint(self, method='rabin', **kwargs) → Union[bytes, _hashlib.HASH]

Return the deterministic fingerprint of the schema, using the given hash method.

**kwargs are passed to the relevant call.

Return type is controlled by the fingerprint_returns_digest option.

method can_encode(self, value: object) → bool

Check if value can be encoded using this schema

method binary_encode(self, value: object) → bytes

Encode value using this schema and return the avro bytes representing it.

method binary_decode(self, value: bytes) → object

Decode value using this schema and return the decoded value.

method json_encode(self, value, serialize=True, **kwargs)

Encode value using this schema and return the avro json representing it.

method json_decode(self, value: Union[str, object], deserialize: bool = True, **kwargs)

Decode value in JSON form using this schema and return the decoded value.

If deserialize is True, then value must be a str containing the serialized JSON value. If deserialize is False, then value must be a python object representing the JSON value.

attr canonical_form

Returns the canonical form of the schema as a string

attr schema

Return an object representing the schema definition. Note: This will not always be identical to the source used to construct this schema object, as it is reconstructed from the types on-demand.

attr schema_str

Schema.schema, but json encoded

attr named_types
attr source
attr options
attr type
attr logical_types
method find_type(self, namespace, name, _raise=True)

Given a namespace and name (namespace may be None), find and return the AvroType instance matching this name.

method binary_read(self, reader: cavro._Reader)

Read a value from reader using this schema and return the decoded value. reader may be a MemoryReader or FileReader instance.

method binary_write(self, writer: cavro._Writer, value: object)

Write value to writer using this schema. writer may be a MemoryWriter or FileWriter instance.

method reader_for_writer(self, writer_schema: cavro.Schema)

Return a schema that is the result of promoting this schema to the writer schema.

The returned schema may only be used for reading, and should return values that match the reader schema.

class Options

Runtime configuration options for controlling the behaviour of a schema. Instances of Options are immutable, create a modified copy of options, use the replace and with_* methods.


  • fingerprint_returns_digest If True, the Schema.fingerprint method returns a hashlib hash object, rather than the digest bytes
  • canonical_form_repeat_fixed Some libraries repeat enum type definitions with the same name/size in canonical form. Setting this flag to True replicates that
  • canonical_form_repeat_enum Some libraries repeat enum type definitions with the same name/symbols in canonical form. Setting this flag to True replicates that
  • record_can_encode_dict If True, dicts can be encoded as records (provided they have the correct fields). If false, then an instance of the relevant record type must be used.
  • record_values_type_hint If True, then dicts encoded using a record schema can have an optional key -type (note the leading '-') with a value that is the name of the record, ensuring the correct record schema is chosen.
  • record_decodes_to_dict If True, then records are decoded to a dict, rather than a record class instance
  • record_allow_extra_fields If True, then any fields in a dict that are not in the record schema are ignored. If False, then an error is raised.
  • record_fields_must_be_unique If True, then all fields within a record must have a unique name
  • record_encode_use_defaults If True, then when encoding a dict as a record, any fields that are not present in the dict are encoded using their default value from the schema. If False, then an error is raised for any missing keys
  • missing_values_can_be_null If True, then missing values may be encoded as null where this is valid in the schema. (i.e. ['null', 'string'])
  • missing_values_can_be_empty_container If True, then missing values may be encoded as an empty container (list, dict) where this is valid in the schema.
  • allow_tuple_notation If True, then values can be encoded by passing a 2-tuple of (‹type›, ‹value›) where ‹type› is the name of the type to encode as, and ‹value› is the value to encode.
  • union_decodes_to Controls how union values are decoded. See UnionDecodeOption for details. The default, UnionDecodeOption.RAW_VALUES returns the value from the matching union unmodified.
  • union_json_encodes_type_name If True (default), then when JSON encoding a value in a union, the type name is included in the output as per spec. If False, then the JSON-encoded value of the matching union type is output directly.
  • allow_primitive_name_collision If True, then named types can have the same name as one of the primitive types (e.g. int, float, str etc..)
  • allow_primitive_names_in_namespaces If True, then namespace parts can have the same name as one of the primitive types (e.g. int, float, str etc..)
  • named_type_names_must_be_unique If True, then all named types must have a unique name within the schema
  • enum_symbols_must_be_unique If True, then all symbols within an enum must be unique
  • enforce_enum_symbol_name_rules If True, then enum symbol values are checked to ensure they match the rules for valid symbols
  • enforce_type_name_rules If True, then type names are checked to ensure they match the rules for valid names
  • enforce_namespace_name_rules If True, then namespace names are checked to ensure they match the rules for valid names
  • ascii_name_rules If True, then name checking (names/symbols) is done using the strict ASCII rules in the spec. If False, then equivalent unicode rules are used.
  • allow_false_values_for_null If True, then a null type will accept any value for which bool(value) is False, otherwise an error is raised for any non-None value.
  • allow_empty_unions If True, then unions can be empty (i.e. []), otherwise an error is raised.
  • allow_nested_unions If True, then unions can contain other unions, otherwise an error is raised.
  • allow_duplicate_union_types If True, then unions can contain multiple types that are forbidden from being in the same union by the spec.
  • allow_union_default_any_member If True, then the default value for a union can match the schema of any member of the union, otherwise the default value must match the first member of the union.
  • allow_aliases_to_be_string If True, then aliases can be specified as a string or a list If False, then aliases must be specified as a list
  • coerce_values_to_int If True, then values encoded in int or long schemas will be coerced to int where possible
  • coerce_values_to_float If True, then values encoded in float or double schemas will be coerced to float where possible
  • coerce_int_to_float If True, then float and double types will accept int values, and encode them as the closest floating-point value
  • coerce_values_to_boolean If True, then values encoded in boolean schemas will be coerced to bool where possible
  • coerce_values_to_str If True, then values encoded in string schemas will be coerced to str where possible
  • bytes_codec If not None, then values passed to bytes schemas will be encoded using the specified codec
  • fixed_codec If not None, then values passed to fixed schemas will be encoded using the specified codec
  • null_pad_fixed If True, then values encoded in fixed schemas will be zero-padded to the specified size
  • truncate_fixed If True, then values encoded in fixed schemas will be truncated to the specified size (extra bytes will be dropped on encoding)
  • clamp_int_overflow If True, then values encoded in int schemas will be clamped to the min/max values for the specified size
  • clamp_float_overflow If True, then values encoded in the float schema will be clamped to the min/max values 32-bit floats. (Note, this also replaces INF/NaN values with the closest representable value unless float_out_of_range_inf is `True)
  • float_out_of_range_inf If True, then values encoded in the float schema that are out of range will be encoded as INF/NaN, otherwise an error is raised.
  • bytes_default_value_utf8 If True, then the default value for a bytes schema is encoded as UTF-8, otherwise it is encoded as latin1, this should probably never be used except for library compatibility reasons
  • string_types_default_unchanged If True, then default values for string/bytes/fixed schemas are passed back unmodified (may not be a string), otherwise the relevant JSON decoding is performed. this should probably never be used except for library compatibility reasons
  • decimal_check_exp_overflow If True, then values encoded in the decimal schema will be checked to ensure they are within the range of the specified precision/scale, otherwise an error is raised.
  • types_str_to_schema If True, then calling str(‹schema instance›) returns a JSON representation of the schema, otherwise the default str implementation is used.
  • logical_types A tuple of logical types to use when parsing schemas, each item must be an instance of LogicalType.
    Typically this means that for custom logical types, you should subclass cavro.CustomLogicalType and implement def custom_encode_value(value) and def custom_decode_value(value). To add types to this tuple, use the with_logical_types method.
  • adapt_record_types If True, then when encoding records, if a record type is passed that has come from a different schema, then the record type is adapted to the current schema, provided the name and fields match. This situation can easily occur if a source schema is parsed twice. Each instance of the schema will have its own version of the Record class, and these are not compatible without this option.
  • return_uuid_object If True, then UUID values are returned as uuid.UUID objects, otherwise they are returned as strings.
  • allow_error_type If True, then the error type is allowed in schemas (As an alias for 'record').
  • allow_leading_dot_in_names If True, then names can start with a dot, indicating the null namespace, otherwise an error is raised.
  • naive_dt_assume_utc If True, then naive datetime values are assumed to be in UTC, otherwise they are treated as representing local time (using current locale)
  • alternate_timestamp_millis_encoding If True, then an alternate approach to encoding timestamps is used that has slightly different behaviour at extreme values.
  • date_type_accepts_string If True, then the date logical type will accept string in ISO8601 format as input (YYYY-MM-DD), otherwise an error is raised.
  • raise_on_invalid_logical If True, then attempts to parse a schema that contain invalid logical decimal paramters, will raise an error, rather than silently ignoring the logical type (as per spec)
  • inline_namespaces If True, then when outputting schema JSON from a parsed schema, namespaces are inlined into the name, otherwise the namespace is output as a separate field.
  • expand_types_in_schema If True, then when outputting schema JSON from a parsed schema, repeated types are output in full, rather than being referenced by name. Note: This does not apply to nested/recursive types, which are always referenced by name to prevent infinite recursion.
  • unicode_errors The error handling strategy to use when decoding strings/bytes. See the errors parameter to str.decode for details.
  • container_fill_blocks If True, then when writing a container, records are written until the current block is › max_blocksize (I.e. blocks will often be larger than max_blocksize) By default, container writer will write a new block whenever the next record will take the current block over the max_blocksize, meaning that blocks will always be ‹= max_blocksize unless a single value is larger than max_blocksize
  • defer_schema_promotion_errorscavro performs eager promotion calculation for performance reasons, this means that incompatible reader/writer schemas are typically detected at schema parse time, and errors raised. For compatibility purposes, setting this option to True results in schema promotion errors being stored and raised when the first value is read.
  • invalid_value_includes_record_name When raising exceptions based on Invalid Values, the exception path includes the name of the record type, rather than just the field name.
  • invalid_value_include_array_index When raising exceptions based on Invalid Values, the exception path includes the array index of any arrays
  • invalid_value_include_map_key When raising exceptions based on Invalid Values, the exception path includes the key of any maps in the value
  • allow_invalid_default_values Typically, default values must be valid JSON values for the schema, setting this option to True allows invalid default values to be used (JSON decoding is still performed, but decode errors result in the raw value being used).
  • externally_defined_types An immutable dict of named types (instances of AvroType) that are defined outside of the schema being parsed. This allows for custom/complex schema loading patterns where type definitions may be spread across multiple locations. For example, if this dict has {'Foo': ‹RecordType...›}, then a schema: {"type": "Foo"} will be parsed to be the passed-in Foo type. To add types to this dict, use the with_external_types method. Note: It's possible to end up with some weird situations including infinite recursion when using this option, as it's possible to create reference cycles between schemas resulting in infinite recursion errors.


init Options(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
method replace(self, **changes) → cavro.Options

Return a copy of the options with the specified fields replaced. This is a simple wrapper around dataclasses.replace

method with_logical_types(self, *logical_types)

Return a copy of the options with additional logical types added.

method with_external_types(self, named_types: dict[str, cavro.AvroType]) → cavro.Options

Return a copy of the options with pre-parsed external named types added (Allows for references to types in the schema that have not been defined in the schema)

method equals( self, other: cavro.Options, ignore:[str] = () ) → bool

Compares two Options objects, this is equivalent to self == other except you can pass in a list of field names to ignore

method diff( self, other: cavro.Options, ignore:[str] = () ) → dict[str, tuple[object, object]]

Returns a dictionary containing just the fields that are different between two Options objects. Any fields whose names are in ignore are not included. The return dictionary is of the form: {field_name: (self_value, other_value)}

attr name_pattern

Returns the relevant regular expression for validating names based on the current options.

attr fingerprint_returns_digest
attr canonical_form_repeat_fixed
attr canonical_form_repeat_enum
attr record_can_encode_dict
attr record_values_type_hint
attr record_decodes_to_dict
attr record_allow_extra_fields
attr record_encode_use_defaults
attr allow_tuple_notation
attr union_decodes_to
attr union_json_encodes_type_name
attr allow_primitive_name_collision
attr allow_primitive_names_in_namespaces
attr named_type_names_must_be_unique
attr enum_symbols_must_be_unique
attr enforce_enum_symbol_name_rules
attr enforce_type_name_rules
attr enforce_namespace_name_rules
attr record_fields_must_be_unique
attr ascii_name_rules
attr missing_values_can_be_null
attr missing_values_can_be_empty_container
attr allow_false_values_for_null
attr allow_empty_unions
attr allow_nested_unions
attr allow_duplicate_union_types
attr allow_union_default_any_member
attr allow_aliases_to_be_string
attr coerce_values_to_int
attr coerce_values_to_float
attr coerce_int_to_float
attr coerce_values_to_boolean
attr coerce_values_to_str
attr bytes_codec
attr fixed_codec
attr null_pad_fixed
attr truncate_fixed
attr clamp_int_overflow
attr clamp_float_overflow
attr float_out_of_range_inf
attr bytes_default_value_utf8
attr string_types_default_unchanged
attr decimal_check_exp_overflow
attr types_str_to_schema
attr logical_types
attr adapt_record_types
attr return_uuid_object
attr allow_error_type
attr allow_leading_dot_in_names
attr naive_dt_assume_utc
attr alternate_timestamp_millis_encoding
attr date_type_accepts_string
attr raise_on_invalid_logical
attr inline_namespaces
attr expand_types_in_schema
attr unicode_errors
attr container_fill_blocks
attr defer_schema_promotion_errors
attr invalid_value_includes_record_name
attr invalid_value_include_array_index
attr invalid_value_include_map_key
attr allow_invalid_default_values
attr externally_defined_types

class ContainerReader

A class for reading avro object container files.

The container can ben used as an iterator, in which case it will yield the objects in the file in order:

for obj in ContainerReader('file.avro'):


  • src: The source to read from. Can be a file-like object, instance of cavro.MemoryReader, or a path to a file (str|Path)
  • reader_schema: The schema to use when reading objects. If not provided, the writer schema will be used.
  • options: An Options object to use when constructing the writer schema. Defaults to the default options. This does not affect the reader_schema options.


init ContainerReader(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
attr metadata
attr marker
attr writer_schema
attr reader_schema
attr schema
attr codec_name
attr objects_left_in_block
method next_object(self)

class ContainerWriter

A class for writing avro object container files.

The writer can be used as a context manager, in which case it will be closed when the context exits:

with ContainerWriter('file.avro', schema) as writer:


  • dest: The destination to write to. Can be a file-like object, instance of cavro.MemoryWriter, or a path to a file (str|Path)
  • schema: The schema of the objects to be written.
  • codec: The codec to use. Must be one of the supported codecs. Default to null
  • max_blocksize: The maximum size of a block. Defaults to 16352.
  • write_header: Whether to write the avro header to the file before writing blocks. Defaults to True.
  • metadata: A dictionary of metadata to write to the file. Defaults to an empty dictionary.
  • marker: A 16-byte marker to use to separate blocks. Defaults to a random UUID.
  • options: An Options object to use when writing. Defaults to the default options.


method close(self)
method flush(self, force=False)
method write_many(self, objs)
attr closed
attr schema
attr codec
attr marker
attr max_blocksize
attr options
attr should_write_header
attr num_pending
attr blocks_written
attr metadata
method write_one(self, obj)

class FileReader

A cavro wrapper for reading data from a file-like object (Object that implements .read(n)).

This class will not close or seek the underlying file object

Arguments: file_obj: The file-like object to read from.


init FileReader(self, /, *args, **kwargs)

class FileWriter

A cavro wrapper for writing data to a file-like object (Object that implements .write(data) and .flush()).

This class will not close or seek the underlying file object


init FileWriter(self, /, *args, **kwargs)

Other Classes

class MemoryWriter

A class that writes to a memory buffer. The buffer is automatically resized to fit the data.

The underlying data is accessible through the buffer attribute as an array.array of bytes.


attr buffer
attr len

class MemoryReader

A class that allows cavro to read binary data from a memory buffer.


  • data: The data to read from. Can be a bytes object or a memoryview.


init MemoryReader(self, /, *args, **kwargs)

class Rabin

An implementation of the 64-bit Rabin hash function as described in the avro specification.

The interface in this class roughly approximates the hashlib.hash objects.


init Rabin(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
method digest(self)
method hexdigest(self)
method copy(self)
attr value
attr name
attr digest_size
attr block_size
method update(self, data)

class Record

An instance of a record value from a schema. This class should never be instantiated directly, instead it forms the base-class for RecordType.record classes.

Field values can be accessed using dot notation, e.g. record.field_name, index notation, e.g. record['field_name'], or by calling _asdict() Subclasses of record have a class attribute: Type, which is the RecordType schema that the record was created from.

Internally, records are represented as a list of values, one for each field in the record, with associated field metadata. Subclasses can be instantiated in the following ways:

  • Record(data: list|tuple): The length of data must match the number of fields in the record, and each value should correspond to the relevant field value
  • Record(data: dict): The keys of the dict must match the field names, and each value should correspond to the relevant field value
  • Record(data: Record): The record must be of the same type as the subclass, or must be adaptable to the subclass (Matching name and fields)
  • Record(**kwargs): Each keyword argument should correspond to a field name, and the value should correspond to the relevant field value


init Record(self, /, *args, **kwargs)

class RecordField

Holds the metadata for a record schema field. This class should never be instantiated directly, instead it is created by RecordType when parsing a schema.


init RecordField(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
method get_schema(self, created)
attr name
attr writer_name
attr doc
attr type
attr default_value
attr order
attr aliases

class AvroType

The base class for all Avro types. cavro separates the concept of a Schema from a Type, which is not strictly neccessary, but makes some management of state a bit easier. Here, a Type is the specific implementation of the data management, whereas a Schema is the public interface for a schema definition, typically (but not always) containing multiple types either in unions or in nested record fields.

For normal usage, the AvroType class and subclasses can largely be ignored.


init AvroType(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
method for_source(cls, schema, source, namespace=None)
method for_schema(cls, schema)
method walk_types(self, visited)
attr type
attr options
attr metadata
attr value_adapters
attr type_name
method copy(self)
method convert_value(self, value, check_value=False)
method get_schema(self, created=None)

class UnionType

The avro union type


init UnionType(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
method walk_types(self, visited)
attr union_types
attr by_name_map
attr return_type_tuple
attr type_name
method copy(self)
method get_schema(self, created=None)
method convert_value(self, value, check_value=True)

class StringType

The avro string type


attr type_name
method copy(self)

class BytesType

The avro bytes type


attr type_name
method copy(self)

class DoubleType

The avro double type.


attr type_name
method copy(self)

class FloatType

The avro float type.


attr type_name
method copy(self)

class LongType

The avro long type.


attr type_name
method copy(self)

class IntType

The avro int type.


attr type_name
method copy(self)

class BoolType

The avro boolean type.


attr type_name
method copy(self)

class NullType

The avro null type.


attr type_name
method copy(self)

class MapType

The avro map type.


init MapType(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
method walk_types(self, visited)
attr value_type
attr type_name
method copy(self)
method convert_value(self, orig_value, check_value=True)

class ArrayType

The avro array type.


init ArrayType(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
method walk_types(self, visited)
attr item_type
attr type_name
method copy(self)
method convert_value(self, value, check_value=True)

class FixedType

The avro fixed type


init FixedType(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
attr size
attr type_name
method copy(self)

class RecordType

The Type that corresponds to a Record in a Schema.


  • doc Any "doc" metadata defined in the schema
  • fields A tuple of RecordField instances, one for each field in the record
  • record A subclass of Record that can be used to instantiate records of this type


init RecordType(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
method walk_types(self, visited)
attr doc
attr fields
attr record
attr type_name
method copy(self)

class PromotingRecordType

A variant of a RecordType, specialized for reading records from a different schema from a writer.


class EnumType

The avro enum type


init EnumType(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
attr symbols
attr default_value
attr doc
attr type_name
method copy(self)

class PromotingEnumType

The avro enum type


attr unknown_symbols
attr reader_type
attr writer_type

class ResolvedSchema

A variant of a schema that is the result of schema promotion.


init ResolvedSchema(self, /, *args, **kwargs)

class ValueAdapter

Abstract base class for any helper that affects how values are transformed prior to avro encoding/decoding.


class LogicalType

Semi-abstract class for all logical types.

Subclasses must be implemented as cython classes.


method for_type(unknown)
attr logical_name
attr underlying_types

class CustomLogicalType

Logical type that allows custom encoding/decoding functions to be provided.

To use a custom logical type, subclass this class, and implement the:

  • encode_value(value: object) → object - Transforms a provided value into something that can be encoded by the underlying type.
  • decode_value(value: object) → object - Transforms a value decoded by the underlying type into a value to return to the user. methods.

Also implement two class attributes, and a classmethod:

  • logical_name - The name to look for in the schema
  • underlying_types A tuple of AvtoType classes that this logical type can be applied to.
  • _for_type(cls, underlying: AvroType) → Cls A classmethod that returns an instance of the class, optionally customized with information from the underlying type, or None if the logical type is not applicable to the underlying type.


class DecimalType

Logical type for decimal values.


init DecimalType(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
attr type_name
attr precision
attr scale
attr scale_val
attr context
attr size
attr check_exp_overflow
attr logical_name
attr underlying_types

class UUIDBase

Logical type for UUID values


init UUIDBase(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
attr logical_name

class UUIDStringType

Logical type for UUID values


attr type_name
attr underlying_types

class UUIDFixedType

Logical type for UUID values


attr type_name
attr underlying_types

class Date

Logical type for Date values


init Date(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
attr type_name
attr accepts_string
attr logical_name
attr underlying_types

class TimeMillis

Logical type for time-millis values


attr type_name
attr logical_name
attr underlying_types

class TimeMicros

Logical type for time-micros values


attr type_name
attr logical_name
attr underlying_types

class TimestampMillis

Logical type for timestamp-micros values


init TimestampMillis(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
attr type_name
attr alternate_timestamp_encoding
attr logical_name
attr underlying_types

class TimestampMicros

Logical type for timestamp-micros values


attr type_name
attr logical_name
attr underlying_types

class Codec

Abstract base class for all codecs. This class is not meant to be used directly.

Subclasses must be implemented in cython.


attr name

class PromoteToFloat

A value adapter that converts a value to a float on read.


class PromoteBytesToString

A value adapter that decodes bytes to a string (utf8) on read.


class PromoteStringToBytes

A value adapter that encodes a string to bytes (utf8) on read.


class CannotPromote

A captured schema promotion error that has been deferred by Options, the first time this value is read, the error will be raised.


init CannotPromote(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
attr reader_type
attr writer_type
attr extra

class CavroException

Base class for exceptions raised by cavro


class InvalidName

The schema contains a type or enum symbol with an invalid name (as per the avro specification)


class UnknownType

The schema contains an unexptected type name (either a missing named-type definition, or invalid primitive type)


init UnknownType(self, name)

class DuplicateName

A record contains multiple fields with the same name, a schema contains multiple types of the same name, or an enum has multiple identical symbols.


class InvalidHasher

An unknown hash method was requested


class ExponentTooLarge

The exponent of a decimal value is too large to be represented in the given type


class CodecUnavailable

A requested codec (or codec in a container) is not available or is unknown.


class CannotPromoteError

A schema cannot be promoted to another schema. (reader/writer schema promotion)


  • reader_type: The schema type of the reader
  • writer_type: The schema type of the writer
  • extra: An optional extra message


init CannotPromoteError(self, reader_type, writer_type, extra=None)

class InvalidValue

A value is invalid for a given avro type.


  • value: The value that caused the error
  • dest_type: The schema type that the value was being converted to
  • schema_path: A sequence of identifiers (field names etc) to help locate the value that caused the error


init InvalidValue(self, value, dest_type, path=())

class UnionDecodeOption

Controls how union values are decoded:

  • RAW_VALUES - The value of the matching union type is returned unmodified
  • TYPE_TUPLE_IF_AMBIGUOUS - If union contains types that might be ambiguous (Record + Map) or (String + Enum), then the value is returned as a 2-tuple of (‹type›, ‹value›)
  • TYPE_TUPLE_IF_RECORD_AMBIGUOUS - If union contains multiple record (or map) types, then the value is returned as a 2-tuple of (‹type›, ‹value›)
  • TYPE_TUPLE_IF_RECORD - values matching any union member that is record are returned as a 2-tuple of (‹type›, ‹value›)
  • TYPE_TUPLE_ALWAYS - values are always returned as a 2-tuple of (‹type›, ‹value›)



class Order

The order of a field in a record.


attr ASC
attr DESC