The behaviour of cavro
can be customized throught the Options class.
Many of the options are not helpful to configure other than in special circumstances, however some may be useful for compatibility or useability reasons.
Common options
With this option set to True
, values passed to encode that are a tuple
with two items have a special meaning.
The tuple values are:
(<type name>, <value>)
cavro will use the type name to ensure that the value is encoded correctly. For example:
schema = cavro.Schema(
['string', {'type': 'enum', 'name': 'X', 'symbols': ['AAAAA', 'BBBBB']}],
def round_trip(msg, value):
encoded = schema.binary_encode(value)
decoded = schema.binary_decode(encoded)
print(f'{msg.ljust(13)}: {str(value).ljust(19)} → {str(encoded).ljust(15)} → {decoded}')
round_trip('Normal', 'AAAAA',)
round_trip('Tuple string', ('string', 'AAAAA'))
round_trip('Tuple enum', ('X', 'AAAAA'))
Normal : AAAAA → b'\x00\nAAAAA' → AAAAA
Tuple string : ('string', 'AAAAA') → b'\x00\nAAAAA' → AAAAA
Tuple enum : ('X', 'AAAAA') → b'\x02\x00' → AAAAA
You can see that we end up with the same result each time, but the encoded value of the last tine is much shorter than the others, because the enum symbol has been encoded rather than a string.
The same applies to records:
schema = cavro.Schema(
{'type': 'record', 'name': 'X', 'fields': [{'name': 'a', 'type': 'int'}]},
{'type': 'record', 'name': 'Y', 'fields': [{'name': 'a', 'type': 'int'}]},
round_trip('Normal', {'a': 1})
round_trip('Tuple X', ('X', {'a': 1}))
round_trip('Tuple Y', ('Y', {'a': 1}))
Normal : {'a': 1} → b'\x00\x02' → <Record:X {a: 1}>
Tuple X : ('X', {'a': 1}) → b'\x00\x02' → <Record:X {a: 1}>
Tuple Y : ('Y', {'a': 1}) → b'\x02\x02' → <Record:Y {a: 1}>
By default, the Schema.fingerprint
method returns an object that is a hashlib.HASH
allowing the caller to choose which representation of the hash to use.
If you set this to True
, then Schema.fingerprint
returns a binary digest of the value:
print(cavro.Schema('{"type": "string"}').fingerprint('sha256'))
print(cavro.Schema('{"type": "string"}', fingerprint_returns_digest=True).fingerprint('sha256'))
<sha256 _hashlib.HASH object @ 0x10a3e2e70>